January 2020
ONE : Suggested Dowsing Protocol for Bushfires & Drought
Feel free to make your own adjustments according to prompts you receive and adjust it to suit your own locale and conditions.
Start by spinning your pendulum in your NO direction (usually counter-clockwise) to take out what’s not wanted, then let the pendulum take over.
# Scrambling the frequency of the bushfires and drought conditions in Victoria, South Australia, NSW, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania and the Territories. Adjusting the frequencies of whatever is blocking rain from falling naturally and removing all threats to power supplies. Releasing all non-beneficial thought forms, negative political influences, agendas, entities, the spirit of greed, media-fed hysteria and everything else contributing to fear levels and catastrophic outcomes for the people, animals and land in the affected regions. Scrambling the effects of Mass Consciousness on the situations affecting the drought and bushfire conditions in so many areas of Australia. And, neutralising all the negative effects of humans on the weather and the Nature Spirits generally.
(Wait until your pendulum stops spinning.)
Start to spin your pendulum in your YES direction (usually clockwise) to bring about what is wanted and then let it take over.
# Transforming the energy to the most beneficial to extinguish the bushfires quickly and easily – and to bring about increased balance, harmony and peace for calmer, more beneficial weather conditions with safe, lower temperatures for the people, animals and properties throughout Victoria, South Australia, NSW, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania and the Territories. Bringing in natural rainfall in beneficial amounts in all the areas it’s needed and adjusting wind levels for increased safety. Inviting in the Spirits of love and gratitude, peace, calm and respect to work with the Earth, Mother Nature, the Nature Spirits and the Spirit of Rain, Spirit of Wind and the Spirit of Fire – for the highest good of Australia.
Magnifying this dowsing with the help of spiritual dowsers and the skills of the best dowsers on the planet. This or something better as safe and appropriate from now and into the future across all time, dimensions, space and reality, as safe and appropriate. Thank you.
(Wait until your pendulum stops spinning.)
When relief is evident, as winds subside, fires are extinguished and rain begins to fall, start your pendulum in the Yes direction and bring in the Spirits of love, gratitude, respect and freedom to thank the Nature Spirits, and the Spirits of rain, wind and fire.
With special thanks to American dowser Raymon Grace for his inspiration in weather dowsing. Heather Wilks, author of ‘Dowsing Heals’.
TWO : Weather Dowsing protocol for Associated Crises
Feel free to make your own adjustments according to prompts you receive and adjust it to suit your own locale and conditions.
Updated 18 February 2020
Start by spinning your pendulum in your NO direction (usually counter-clockwise) to take out what’s not wanted, then let the pendulum take over.
# Scrambling the frequency of the fears, trauma and depression suffered directly and indirectly by people and animals as a result of Australia’s extreme conditions. The bushfires, drought, storms, and then deluges of rain resulting in severe flooding. Neutralising the spirit of victim mentality, the spirit of victimisation and any victim archetypes involved. Removing, deleting and uninstalling any entities, outside detrimental energies and all evil agendas involved.
(Wait until your pendulum stops spinning.)
Start to spin your pendulum in your YES direction (usually clockwise) to bring about what is wanted and then let it take over.
# Transforming the energy to the most beneficial for Australia’s speedy recovery. Balancing those affected with appropriate patterns and programs to heal the non-beneficial emotions – to provide increased strength to trust that life is worth living. Connecting people to their higher guidance to know how to proceed in rebuilding their lives. Healing all sense of despair related to greed, exploitation, vested interests, lack of compassion and associated suffering. Raising levels of support, hope, trust and motivation through increased empathy, and mobilisation to help others through acts of kindness. Bringing in the spirits of love and gratitude for increased consideration and practical assistance, as safe and appropriate.
Magnifying this dowsing with the help of spiritual dowsers and the skills of the best dowsing practices. This or something better as safe and appropriate, from now and into the future across all time, dimensions, space and reality, as safe and appropriate. Thank you.
(Wait until your pendulum stops spinning.)
With special thanks to Roxanne Louise, president of the American Society of Dowsers (ASD), for her inspiration in this aspect of weather dowsing for associated crises. Heather Wilks, author of ‘Dowsing Heals’.