1. Dowsing for Empowerment
Think of a problem. Rate it 0 to 10. Zero indicating it’s okay, with a 10 rating indicating it is intense.
Deliberately start your pendulum in the No direction.
# Going to the place inside that knows why <I have /person has> a problem. Scrambling the frequency of the hidden agendas, limiting beliefs and anything else contributing to it. Eliminating, releasing and letting the problem and all its roots go now. Dissolving it, deleting it, uninstalling it, wiping it out now. Magnifying the benefits of this dowsing with the help of spiritual dowsers and the abilities of the best dowsers on the planet.
Deliberately start your pendulum in the Yes direction.
# Transforming the energy to empowerment, allowing <me/ them> to live a dream life. Bringing in the spirits of love and gratitude, peace, confidence, courageousness, acceptance, hope, joy, freedom, trust, and prosperity. This or something better as safe and appropriate across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Thank you. (Rate your problem 0 – 10 now.)
2. Dowsing the Vibrational Matrix
Deliberately start your pendulum in the No direction.
# Neutralising the negative effects of the thoughts, beliefs, emotions, perceptions and experiences held in <my/ person’s> vibrational matrix – all the tangled, entwined and blocked energies woven into the energy fields. Every pattern known or unknown that is contributing to a sense of lack and poverty consciousness, anything that’s stopping <me/them> from going forward. Magnifying the dowsing with the help of spiritual dowsers and the prowess of the best dowsers on the planet.
Deliberately start your pendulum in the Yes direction.
# Transforming the energy to the most appropriate for <me/them> to have an abundant cash flow with the abilities to succeed. Bringing in the spirits of beingness, healing, breakthroughs, freedom and success. This or something better as safe and appropriate across all time, dimensions, space and reality. Thank you.